One Pound Organic Soapnuts

One Pound Organic Soapnuts

Regular price $24.95

Soapnuts are amazing little berries that grow in Asia. They naturally contain saponin which is a natural cleaner that works as a surfactant, breaking the surface tension of the water to penetrate the fibers of your clothing, lifting stains from the fabric, and leaving dirt suspended in the water that is rinsed away.

Using soapnuts for laundry and cleaning is great for people with skin sensitivities as they contain no chemicals or artificial ingredients. For added scent we recommend using 100% pure essential oils.

And it's great for the environment! No chemicals going down the drain and the used soapnuts can be thrown right in your compost.

Using soapnuts is easy! When washing in hot water the soapnuts can be put into a small muslin bag (included) and thrown right into the washer. For cold water loads, soapnuts can be made into a liquid soap and added directly to the washer. (Recipe packet with additional information is included with every order)

Every pound of soapnuts is equivalent to approximately 128 loads of laundry.

Please email orders@serenityfelting for a free one ounce sample and liquid soap recipe.